*/5 * * * * root /home/thomas/www/www.tootiki.se/scripts.sh
#!/bin/sh wget http://www.tootiki.se/WikiBox/Check rm -R Check
Sidan innehåller mer än detta men det är denna informationen som visar att PHP-scriptet är kört inne i Wikin.
* wbEmailEngine(): Entering * wbEmailEngine(): opt follows: Array ( [#] => Array ( [0] => [1] => PROCESS [2] => VERBOSE [3] => 5 ) [] => Array ( [0] => PROCESS ) [VERBOSE] => 5 ) * wbEmailEngine(): Looping - attempting to retrieve message * wbEmailEngine(): No more messages - exiting loop
Sidan innehåller mer än detta men det är denna informationen som visar att PHP-scriptet är kört inne i Wikin.
Endast de första typ 50 raderna av flera 1000 på grund av debugutskrifter påslaget.
* wbEmailEngine(): Entering * wbEmailEngine(): opt follows: Array ( [#] => Array ( [0] => [1] => PROCESS [2] => VERBOSE [3] => 5 ) [] => Array ( [0] => PROCESS ) [VERBOSE] => 5 ) * wbEmailEngine(): Looping - attempting to retrieve message * wbEmailEngine(): Message retrieved. Subject=append to [[Tootiki.Nyheter]] * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subjects for type: Usage * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Receive * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subjects for type: Subscribe * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Receive * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: UserConfirm * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Moderate * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Reject * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subjects for type: Unsubscribe * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Receive * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: UserConfirm * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Moderate * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Reject * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subjects for type: Blacklist * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Receive * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: UserConfirm * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Moderate * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Reject * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subjects for type: Write * wbEmailEngine(): Checking subject for phase: Receive * wbEmailEngine(): MATCH SUBJECT: Write-Receive * wbEmailEngine(): from Thomas Lundgren * wbReadEmailAuth(Thomas Lundgren ): Entering email=thomas@lundgren.nu * wbEmailEngine(): Looping through Write-Receive Requirements
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